Registration of a Government Vessel

Registration of a Government Vessel

Boaters in Canada use their vessels for a number of different purposes. For some, their boat is a means of pure recreation, and they take it out on the lake on the weekends to relax or go fishing. For others, their vessel plays a key role in their livelihoods, as they may use their boat to operate touring charters or a commercial fishing business. There is also a contingent of vessels in Canada that are owned and operated by the government. Should you find yourself with such a vessel, you will need to obtain a registration of a government vessel. By using our Form 17 – Application for the Registration of a Government Ship, you can complete this process online with just a few clicks.

What is a Form 17 – Application for the Registration of a Government Ship?

Canada is home to some of the most beautiful and pristine waterways in the world. With hundreds of thousands of lakes, thousands of miles of coastline, and a number of winding rivers, there are endless options for places to take your boat. As you venture out to take in the scenic beauty of the Canadian outdoors, however, it is important to remember that you have an obligation to adhere to the laws and regulations placed on boats in Canada. While these rules may seem like needless red tape or an annoyance, they do serve a valuable purpose. Transport Canada, which is the nation’s main transportation agency, faces a tall challenge in regulating matters of both land and sea. One way in which this agency monitors our waters is by issuing licenses and registrations to Canadian boaters. By doing this, they can make more informed decisions regarding legislation and issuing safety guidelines.

Government vessels must file a Form 17 – Application for the Registration of a Government Ship, under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Subsection 46. In 2001, when Canada enacted the Shipping Act, rules were created for shipping and vessel registration. What the act essentially did was allow the Canadian government to keep a registry of all commercial and government vessels, as well as boats carrying pleasure craft licenses (PCLs). To complete your Form 17 – Application for the Registration of a Government Ship, under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Subsection 46, you will need to provide a handful of details about your vessel as well as yourself. By using our web forms to complete the process of obtaining a registration of a government vessel, you can save yourself valuable time and energy.

What is Vessel Registration?

In Canada, different types of vessels will require different forms of documentation with Transport Canada. If you are planning to use your vessel for any sort of commercial purpose, you are required to submit a Form 1 – Application for Vessel Registration. This is also true for any boats that are traveling on international waters under the Canadian flag, as well as any vessels that carry marine mortgages. When you obtain a vessel registration, your boat is given a completely unique moniker of your choosing, as well as an official number.

Registration of a Government Vessel

To complete the registration process, there are some additional materials that you will need to submit to Transport Canada. Along with your Form 1 – Application for Vessel Registration, you will need to submit a Form 3 – Statement of Qualification for Vessel Registration. You will also want to provide four photographs of your boat (one for each side), as well as a tonnage measurement. You may also need to provide a Form 6 – Bill of Sale, in some situations. At the National Vessel Registry Center, we have easy-to-complete web forms that you can use to register your vessel online.

Do You Need a Pleasure Craft License?

If you are using your boat for basic leisure (non-commercial) activities, chances are you will only require a pleasure craft license (PCL). In Canada, any motorized vessel with an engine of 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) or more will require a PCL. Any boat, even a canoe or kayak, can have a PCL, though, and there is some value in having your vessel documented with Transport Canada.

To acquire your PCL, you will need to complete an application, and provide proof of ownership along with a photograph of your vessel. Once issued, your PCL will be valid for a period of 10 years. Your PCL will also give you a registration number, which will need to be displayed externally on both sides of your vessel’s bow in letters of at least three inches in height.

Get the Forms You Need Online

Whether you need a Form 17 – Application for Registration of a Government Ship, a Form 1 – Application for Vessel Registration, or a PCL application, why not use our online forms? At the National Vessel Registry Center, we have everything you need on one convenient website. To learn more, contact us by phone or email today.