Anyone Over 16 Can Apply for a Pleasure Craft Licence

Age restrictions for operating a pleasure craft vary based on the operator’s age and the horsepower of the boat. 

These age restrictions do not apply in the Nunavut and Northwest Territories.

If the Operator is Under 12: 

Operators under 12 who are unsupervised (not under the guidance of someone at least 16 years old) can only operate pleasure crafts powered by motors of up to 10 horsepower (7.5 kW).

If the Operator is 12 to 15: 

Operators aged 12 to 15, without direct supervision from someone 16 or older, may operate pleasure crafts with motors up to 40 horsepower (30 kW).

If the Operator is 16 or Older: 

Once an individual reaches 16, they can operate any pleasure craft without horsepower limitations. Additionally, only operators 16 and older may operate a personal watercraft (PWC) without supervision.

No matter the age of the operator, all operators are required to carry a pleasure craft licence while operating the boat. 

Use this link to apply for a pleasure craft licence

boat registration pleasure craft

Pleasure Craft Licence Laws and Others 

At the National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we assist vessel owners across various backgrounds in registering their vessels and obtaining pleasure craft licenses. Additionally, we provide documentation resources for selling licensed or registered vessels, conducting vessel information checks, and fulfilling other needs.

The laws below may be relevant to your circumstances:


1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.

electrical propulsion means a mode of propulsion provided by a main propelling machinery that is an electric motor powered by electric cells. (propulsion électrique)

engine power means the engine power, in kilowatts, calculated in accordance with International Standard ISO 8665, Small Craft — Marine Propulsion Engines and Systems — Power Measurements and Declarations, second edition, August 1, 1994. (puissance motrice)

local authority means a government of a municipality, township, parish, county or regional district, any other government constituted under the laws of a province or territory, or a department of a provincial or territorial government or of the federal government. (administration locale)

Minister means the Minister of Transport. (ministre)

personal watercraft means a water-jet driven vessel with an enclosed hull and no cockpit that is designed to be used by one or more persons who are straddling, sitting, standing or kneeling. (motomarine)

power-driven means a mode of propulsion provided by a main propelling machinery that is an internal combustion engine or a steam engine. (propulsion mécanique)

provincial authority means a department of the government of a province designated by that government to process requests to impose restrictions on the operation of vessels in respect of waters within that province. (autorité provinciale)

rivers and lakes includes all those waters of any river upstream of a line between the most seaward extremities of the shore of the river at high tide but does not include the waters of the St. Lawrence River east of 70°53′ W longitude. (fleuves, rivières et lacs)


Operation of Vessels

  • 2 (1) No person shall operate a vessel in any of the waters described in Schedule 1, except as indicated in that Schedule.
  • (2) No person shall operate a power-driven vessel or a vessel driven by electrical propulsion in any of the waters described in Schedule 2, except as indicated in that Schedule.
  • (3) No person shall operate a power-driven vessel or a vessel driven by electrical propulsion that has an aggregate maximum power greater than 7.5 kW in any of the waters described in Schedule 3, except as indicated in that Schedule.
  • (4) No person shall operate a power-driven vessel or a vessel driven by electrical propulsion that has an engine power greater than the maximum engine power set out in column 4 of Schedule 4 in the waters described in columns 1 to 3 of that Schedule.
  • (5) No person shall operate a power-driven vessel or a vessel driven by electrical propulsion in the waters described in columns 1 to 3 of Schedule 6 in excess of the maximum speed set out in column 4 of that Schedule, except as indicated in that Schedule.
  • (6) No person shall operate a power-driven vessel or a vessel driven by electrical propulsion in the waters described in Schedule 7 for the purpose of towing a person on water skis or on any other sporting or recreational equipment, except during the permitted hours set out in that Schedule.
  • (6.1) No person shall operate a power-driven vessel or a vessel driven by electrical propulsion in the waters described in Schedule 7.1 for the purpose of allowing a person to wake surf, except during the permitted hours set out in that Schedule.
  • (7) No person shall operate a power-driven vessel or a vessel driven by electrical propulsion at a speed in excess of 10 km/h within 30 m of the shore in the following waters:
    • (a) the waters of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta;
    • (b) the rivers and lakes in British Columbia;
    • (c) Nitinat River and Nitinat Lake, upstream of Nitinat Bar, in British Columbia;
    • (d) the rivers and lakes in Nova Scotia; and
    • (e) Bras d’Or Lake in Nova Scotia, inland of a line drawn between Coffin Point and Red Head in Great Bras d’Or Channel and the inland end of St. Peters Canal.
  • (8) Subsection (7) does not apply
    • (a) in respect of a vessel that is operated for the purpose of towing a person on water skis or on any other sporting or recreational equipment, if the vessel follows a course away from and perpendicular to the shore; and
    • (b) in respect of a vessel, if the vessel is operated
      • (i) in rivers that are less than 100 m in width or in canals or buoyed channels, or
      • (ii) in any waters referred to in Schedule 6 in respect of which a maximum speed is set out.
  • (9) Subsections (5) and (7) do not apply to a vessel that is required to comply with another speed limit established under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 or the Canada Marine Act.


  • 3 (1) Subsections 2(1) to (4) do not apply to
    • (a) a person who occupies a waterfront property that is not accessible by road and operates a vessel solely for the purpose of gaining access to that property;
    • (b) a person who holds a provincial or federal fishing permit and whose livelihood depends on fishing; or
    • (c) a person who is operating a vessel for the purpose of exercising a right recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
  • (2) Subsections 2(1) to (5) and (7) do not apply to
    • (a) an enforcement officer acting within the scope of their duties;
    • (b) an employee or agent or mandatary of Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province, or of a county, municipality or regional district, acting within the scope of their duties;
    • (c) a person rescuing someone or preventing damage to property; or
    • (d) a person who operates a safety boat for surveillance, rendering assistance and lifeguarding within the scope of regular activities carried out by a recreational institution or a teaching or racing organization established under provincial, federal or foreign laws.

4 If a local authority seeks, in respect of certain waters, the imposition of a restriction that is of the same nature as a restriction imposed by any of subsections 2(1) to (6.1) and 11(2), the local authority shall undertake public consultations with parties that would be affected by the proposed restriction and submit to the provincial authority in the province for which the restriction is proposed, or to the Minister if no provincial authority exists, a request together with a report that includes

  • (a) the location of the waters and the nature of the proposed restriction;
  • (b) information regarding the public consultations held, including a description of the groups and parties consulted;
  • (c) particulars on the implementation and enforcement of the proposed restriction; and
  • (d) any other information that is necessary to justify regulatory intervention.
  • SOR/2010-34, s. 2
  • SOR/2014-210, s. 1
  • SOR/2018-204, s. 1

Age Restrictions

18 Sections 19 to 21 apply in respect of a pleasure craft that is operated in Canadian waters, other than in the waters of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

  • SOR/2017-124, s. 7

19 No person who is under 12 years of age shall operate, and no person shall allow a person who is under 12 years of age to operate, a pleasure craft, other than a personal watercraft, propelled by a motor with an engine power greater than 7.5 kW, unless the person is accompanied and directly supervised in the pleasure craft by a person who is 16 years of age or older.

  • SOR/2015-123, s. 6(F)

20 No person who is under 16 years of age shall operate, and no person shall allow a person who is under 16 years of age to operate, a pleasure craft, other than a personal watercraft, propelled by a motor with an engine power greater than 30 kW, unless the person is accompanied and directly supervised in the pleasure craft by a person who is 16 years of age or older.

  • SOR/2015-123, s. 6(F)

21 No person who is under 16 years of age shall operate, and no person shall allow a person who is under 16 years of age to operate, a personal watercraft.


5 No person shall place a sign anywhere for the purpose of restricting the operation of any vessel in Canadian waters unless

  • (a) the placement has been authorized by the Minister under subsection 6(1) and, except in the case of a sign that provides information with respect to a restriction referred to in subsection 2(7) or section 14, the sign meets the requirements set out in the standard entitled Signage Requirements and Recommendations — Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations, published by the Department of Transport, as amended from time to time; or
  • (b) the placement is authorized under an Act of Parliament other than the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
  • 6 (1) The Minister may authorize in writing any person or class of persons to place a sign in an area for the purpose of indicating that a restriction on the operation of vessels has been imposed by any of subsections 2(1) to (6.1) and 11(2).
  • (2) The person who places the sign shall
    • (a) bear all costs of construction, placing, maintenance and removal; and
    • (b) maintain the sign, while the sign is in place, in the form required by the standard entitled Signage Requirements and Recommendations — Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations, published by the Department of Transport, as amended from time to time.
  • (3) If a restriction in any of the schedules is removed, the Minister shall cancel the authorization and inform the person of the cancellation.
  • (4) On being so informed by the Minister, the person who placed the sign shall immediately remove it as well as any support erected for it.
  • SOR/2010-34, s. 3
  • SOR/2014-210, s. 2

 7 A person who is informed by the Minister that the person has placed an unauthorized sign shall remove it immediately.

8 [Repealed, SOR/2023-274, s. 6]

 9 [Repealed, SOR/2023-274, s. 6]

 10 No person shall

  • (a) remove any authorized sign unless the authorization has been cancelled;
  • (b) alter, conceal, damage or destroy any authorized sign; or
  • (c) use any authorized sign or any support erected for it as a mooring.

If you have any further questions about if you’re able to use a vessel how you would like or to learn more about pleasure craft licencing, please reach out.  We can provide information about licencing, registration, and more for your vessel.