Why Should You Register Your Canadian Vessel?

canadian vessel registry register your boat

You should consider registering your vessel to obtain a proof of boat ownership. Vessel registration is a titling system and logged in the Canadian Register of Vessels. Once registered, you will need to mark your boat with its name and the port of registry. These marketing must be visible outside the Canadian vessel. Interior markings are also required. These would include the ship’s official number and the registered tonnage.

What are the benefits of registering your vessel in Canada?

Vessel registration in Canada presents many advantages. Here are some of them:
– It proves that you are the legal owner of the boat.
– It gives the title to your ship.
– It becomes a marine mortgage.
– It lets you use a unique name for your boat in Canada.
– It gives you the right to fly the Canadian flag.
– It allows you to receive up-to-date Transport Canada safety details and guidance materials.
– It contributes to statistics that can assist the Transport Canada in understanding the security risk on Canada’s waters.


Must all vessels be registered?

In Canada, boat registration is not required by law. However, registering your boat does offer valuable benefits to you, as a ship owner, and to your vessel. As stated above, a registered boat will give you a proof of ownership, a unique name and the right to use the Canadian flag.

How to register a boat in Canada?

Registering a boat in Canada requires you to submit at least three names for your boat. But only one of them will be approved. You must pay a registration fee and complete an application for registry form. You must also produce an evidence of ownership, like a bill of sale or signed craft license, and statement of qualification for boat registration.

Before you can register your Canadian vessel, you should have it measured for tonnage first. To make it easier for you to register your boat, consider filling out the form found at the National Vessel Registry Center. We process Canadian Vessel Registration to Transport Canada.

To qualify as a registered owner of a boat, you must be a citizen of Canada or hold a permanent residency. Your boat must not be registered or recorded in a foreign state.

On the other hand, if your vessel is government owned, then it must be registered under the Canada Shipping Act.

If you wish to register your vessel in Canada, please use our online form to facilitate the registration process. For more information, please call 1-800-419-9569.