When you own your own vessel, the world is your oyster. Whenever you get the itch to head out and make waves, you can head down to the dock, untie your boat, and set sail to your heart’s content. Buying your own boat, though, is often the culmination of months of saving and research. If you think about it, purchasing a vessel of your own can be one of the most expensive purchases you ever decide to make. Whether you are looking to acquire something small and modest, or if you are in a more well-heeled situation and have your eyes on a yacht, the price tag can give you a bit of sticker shock. With this in mind, it is not terribly uncommon for new boaters to explore the secondary market as they look for great deals on previously owned vessels. Once you have negotiated a price with a seller and the keys to your new vessel are in your hands, you are nearly ready to start maximizing your free time out on the lake. There are some paperwork matters to address before you leave the marina, however, as your boat may need to be documented with Transport Canada. As your time as a boat owner evolves, so too may your life, and if you decide to move, you will also need to fill out a Transport Canada change of address form.
Whether you have recently gotten a new job that requires you to relocate, or you are simply moving to your cabin for good, you will need to go through the bureaucratic hassle of updating your address with your bank, utility companies, and more. While a move can be an exciting time, there are logistical and paperwork matters to address, and Transport Canada will need to be informed of your move as well. As the nation’s primary transportation agency for all matters on both sea and land, Transport Canada is responsible for monitoring and regulating our waters in order to ensure the safety of all boaters and passengers. One way in which they carry out these duties is by providing boat licenses and vessel registrations to boat owners. Depending on how your vessel is documented with Transport Canada, you may find yourself needing to complete a Transport Canada change of address form. Fortunately, at the National Vessel Registry Center, we can help you accomplish this online with just a few clicks.
Which Boats Require a Transport Canada Change of Address Document?
If you have experience in owning vessels, you know that there are a wide array of boats out there on the water. From humble canoes to massive shipping barges, Canada’s waters are home to boats that are used in all sorts of ways. How you choose to utilize your boat will largely dictate how you will need to document it with Transport Canada. For boats that are used for mainly recreational purposes, a pleasure craft license (PCL) will typically suffice. To be a bit more specific, any vessel with an engine of 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more will need to apply for a PCL from Transport Canada.
If you are planning to use your boat for any sort of commercial means, or if you plan to sail your boat on international waters under the Canadian flag, you will need to place it on the Transport Canada Small Vessel Registry. This is also true for any boat that is financed with a marine mortgage. To complete this process, you will need to fill out Form 1 – Application for Vessel Registration, as well as Form 3 – Statement of Qualification for Vessel Registration. You will also need to send Transport Canada a bill of sale and photographs of all four sides of your vessel. Once your boat has been placed on the Small Vessel Registry, you will be given a unique name of your choice for your boat, along with an official number.
If you have a registered vessel and you decide to move, you will need to update your information with Transport Canada. This can be done by filing a written request that includes your name, new and old addresses, as well as your vessel’s official number. You can generate this written notification yourself and mail it to Transport Canada’s offices in Ottawa for processing, or you can do it online by working with us.
Process Your Paperwork Online Today
Whether you need to submit a Transport Canada change of address document, apply for vessel registration, or renew your PCL, we can help. At the National Vessel Registry Center, we have easy-to-fill online forms for all of your Transport Canada documentation needs. To learn more about our services, take a minute or two to explore our site, or visit our helpful Frequently Asked Questions page.