Not everyone is lucky enough to find the boat they want to purchase right in their own backyard. It would be ideal if you had a broker, previous owner, or manufacturer around the corner offering just the vessel you want at the price that is perfect for you, but things rarely work out that way.…
Everything You’ll Need for a License to Boat (Or Registration)
A license to have fun. A license to enjoy the summer. A license to make the kinds of memories that happen in an instant but last for a lifetime. Those are just a few of the things that a license to boat can be. Of course, they can also be a license to have a…
The Ritual of Changing the Name of a Boat Explained
While boating can unlock a true sense of freedom and unlimited hours of leisure, the cost for entry can be high. With this in mind, there is a robust secondary boat market in Canada, and many boaters opt to purchase previously owned vessels. While there can be great value found in a used boat, you…
Requirements to Obtain the Alberta Boat License
When it comes to boating destinations, few are superior to Alberta, Canada. Home to more than 600 lakes and nearly 250 rivers, this province offers ample opportunities for boat owners to make lasting memories. Before you hitch your boat to your truck and take off for a day on the water, however, you are going…
Do You Need a Transport Canada Pleasure Craft License?
Boating is an activity that almost anybody can enjoy, which is one of its most appealing features. If you have the money to buy your own boat, you can go sailing whenever you want with your friends and family. Everyone can enjoy going out on the boat, whether they are young children or elderly people.…
What Does Transport Canada Do?
If you’ve dealt with Transport Canada is was probably to do something like register your vessel or file some sort of paperwork. Transport Canada is in charge or what goes on in Canadian waterways. They are responsible for keeping track of the thousands of vessels that are on the water on a daily basis. They…